Tuesday, 22 October 2013

I'm bringing sexy back...

Not really. But I am bringing back my love of blogging!

After casting my fashion blogging to one side for nearly two years I have decided to start up again! So here is one of my favourite photos of Ryan Gosling for you to enjoy!

Thank you to google.com for this and millions of other Gosling photos. 

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

David Slijper - Fashion Photogropher

As I was flicking through Elle the other day looking for photographers I came across this Yorkshire born Photographer - David Slijper. I instantly loved his work. He has worked for many magazines including GQ, Elle and Vogue. I'd recommend looking at his website - www.davidslijper.com

Monday, 7 February 2011

Larissa Hadjio - Underwater Inspired Handbags

I am usually not a fan of handbags shaped as animals, hearts, houses, teapots and so on and so forth. However, I have found a soft spot for these bags designed by Larissa Hadjio. Take a look at the size of the shark bag. (There is a photo on the Reiss blog - www.reissonline.com/blog.) Yes, it may look quite ridiculous but isn't fashion just sometimes a little over the top. So why not embrace it! Get your bag now - made to order at www.larissahadjio.com

Friday, 4 February 2011

Melissa and Her Orange Cardigan

Just discovered a cool effect on my camera where I can select a colour and everything else turns black and white. So I experimented with my friend (because she always looks cool) and ta-da!

ASOS Marketplace - Start Your Fashion Empire

I haven't been online shopping for months. So tonight I had a little look on ASOS and noticed a new section ASOS Marketplace! Its like a super cool version of eBay . The models are just normal guys and girls who have been styled by the seller of the items. Its fantastic. So I have set myself up an account and cant wait to dig deep in my wardrobe and let they styling, selling and buying commence.



ShiteShirts - He who dares?

I am extremely excited about coming across this website http://shiteshirts.com/. It works buy you paying £30.00 plus Shipping and Handling and they actually make you a really shit shirt. Fancy it? If anyone orders one of these please email me a nice photo at sam_bennett37@hotmail.co.uk .

Erin O'Connor - She Died Of Love - Valentines Tee

Unquestionably, this valentines day I will be sporting this t-shirt designed by Erin O’Connor and her business partner Kate Halfpenny. Get yours for only £40 at http://www.shediedofbeauty.com and choose from black or white.